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Edible finger paints

Children begin to enjoy the sensory experience of making marks and we encourage this by providing materials that they can make marks in, for example in damp sand or flour. A great and safe way to support this early desire to mark-make is exploring with edible finger paints.

Essentially you can crush foods that your baby is able to eat. Foods that have a good colour pigment, such as:

  • Strawberries
  • Beetroot
  • Tomatoes
  • Peas
  • Steamed and mashed carrots or butternut squash

Not only do these foods make great colours, but they are also naturally beautiful and delicious!

You can let your child explore these edible colours with their hands without worrying that they will eat something toxic.

Support your baby by gently swiping their hand across some paper, the floor or the table with the edible paint. Show excitement and praise the marks that they leave.

Activities such as this are the foundation for later early writing skills which is incredible. Children will problem solve, actively learn and naturally play and explore.

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