We are Opening The Doors to Our Amazing Nursery Join Us for Our Open Week In May

Creating Holiday Homes for Little People

We all enjoy going on holiday and the elves, leprechauns, fairies, and goblins are no different! Go outside and collect leaves, sticks, moss, pebbles and flowers with your children to be used in the holiday homes.

Then, find a large Tupperware container, a plastic tub, a basket or something similar to create the home in. Let your children lead the way and design a holiday home using the materials you collected outside.

girls collecting sticks

This is a great opportunity to talk to them about building, what they need to build the home, how to build it and who will live there once it’s finished.

Once your children’s holiday homes are complete, go on an adventure to the bottom of the garden to search for fairies or other magical creatures to stay in the home.

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